You may be thinking why do you need a Will?. Coping with the death of a loved one can be very difficult at the best of times. However you can make things easier for those that you are leaving behind by putting your affairs in order beforehand. With our help, you can ensure your loved ones don’t have to worry about sorting out your finances or legal affairs when the worst happens.
Everyone should have a Will, but it’s even more important if you are married, have children, own property, have investments or own a business.

Without a Will, everything you own will be shared out in a standard way defined by the law. And this isn’t always the way you might want.
A Will makes it much easier for your family or friends to sort everything out when you die. Without a Will the process can be more time consuming and stressful.
Furthermore, a Will can help reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax payable on the value of the assets you leave behind.
Writing a Will is especially important if you have children or other family who depend on you financially. It also helps if you want to leave something to people outside your immediate family.
Married – getting married may invalidate any existing Will you have
Parent – You will need a Will to appoint legal guardians for children under the age of 18. Without a Will the Courts may decide who look after your children.
In a relationship – Anything you solely own may not automatically pass on to your partner when you die
Set up a new business – What happens to the business, your staff and your family if anything happens to you?
Own a property – There are different options on how the property can be owned depending on your circumstances
Separated – Unless you update your Will, your ex-partner could stand to inherit the bulk of your estate
I’ve been ill or had an accident – Make sure the people who know you can look after your affairs
To find out more and to arrange your Will, speak to us today