Buying a House? Talk to us

Congratulations!   Buying a new home is an exciting time and inevitably leads you to think about what the future might hold for you. Often a house move is triggered by a change in circumstances – new partner; marriage; children; divorce; inheritance…the list is endless. And while you are thinking of the future, it is vital that your loved ones and your assets (including your new home) are protected if anything happens to you.

You can make sure that you have full peace of mind in the future by putting your wishes into a Will, which sets out what happens to your assets and your family in the event of your death. You might be reading this thinking ”I’m too young to need a Will” or “I’ve already had a Will drawn up years ago” or “I don’t need to worry, it will all be taken care of by my family.”

If any of these thoughts are running through your head and you don’t think you need a Will, here are some facts that might make you think again:

  • If you have children, the courts may decide who will look after them in the event of your death
  • If you have recently got married, any previous Will you had is automatically invalid
  • If you are not married, your partner will not necessarily receive any of your estate nor automatically gain guardianship of any children
  • Your lovely new property may not be left to your immediate family in the event of your death
  • If you die without a Will, someone else will decide how to distribute your assets and in some cases, they could go to the state

Getting a Will

Thought provoking, isn’t it? So how do you go about getting a Will?  The perception used to be that getting a Will organised is expensive, complicated or just a bit morbid – Well, thankfully it is none of those things.  For example, Heritage Will Writers offer face-to-face appointments throughout East Anglia for their clients – either at our offices or at the clients home.  If you live further afield, we can offer telephone appointments to run through all your wishes and make sure the Will provides you with complete peace of mind.  We are passionate about helping simplify some of the complex issues so that having a Will is accessible and understandable for everyone.

Choosing a dedicated Will Writer means that you are dealing with a company that is an expert in their field and will be able to tailor your Will to your exact wishes and ensure the document is as unique as you are, rather than just completing a standard template.  It is important that you choose a Will Writing company that is a member of the Institute of Professional Will Writers (IPW) and has staff members that are STEP qualified so you know that your Will is going to be legally correct.  There are other elements to consider when arranging your Will including Lasting Powers of Attorney which is simply choosing someone you trust to make decisions for you if you become physically or mentally incapable of making these decisions in the future.  You will also want to choose a Will Writer that can help with protecting your property, probate (the practicalities of carrying out the instructions in your Will) and even offering a secure place for your Will to be stored. Heritage Will Writers offer all of this, and have won regional and national Awards for our service so you know you are in safe hands.

To arrange your new Will or update your existing one, contact us today